The SolidView Product Family


Frequently Asked Questions

The following list of questions and answers has been compiled from the most popular requests we receive through our website. If you have additional questions, please be sure to visit our support page.

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General Questions

  1. What is the difference between SolidView/Pro and SolidView/Pro RP?
  2. SolidView/Pro RP has the following additional tools for Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing:

    • Cut - Allows you to split or cut the object into two separate sections.
    • Layout - Layout lets you snap all parts to a base plane and move and rotate parts to best utilization of RP VAT space.
    • Repair - allows you to repair triangulated files.
    • Z-Correction - Some rapid prototyping processes generate errors in the z direction due to the accumulation of exposure in downward facing surfaces as successive layers are drawn.
    • Z-Adjust - The Z-Adjust command compensates the triangular data of an object for these effects.
    • Offset - add stock to a flat (Face) or curved (Surface) area to allow for post machining operations.
    • Shell Object - converting a solid into a thin walled object.
  3. What is SolidView Maintenance, Enhancement, and Support?
  4. Keep getting, "Cannot write to registry. Please make sure you have appropriate permissions." message upon launch of SolidView.
    1. Close SolidView
    2. Right click on the SolidView desktop icon
    3. Select > Properties
    4. Open the [Compatibility] tab
    5. Check the "Run this program as an administrator" checkbox and press [OK]
    6. Restart SolidView
  5. Which versions of CAD do you support?
  6. Please visit the Cad Interfaces page for the latest updates.
  7. How do I check for updates in SolidView?
  8. SolidView has a new feature named autoupdate. This will query SolidView for any suggested updates. Go to HELP | WEB | CHECK FOR UPDATES in the SolidView menu.
  9. How do I access context sensitive help?
  10. In any dialog box you can press F1 for context sensitive help.
  11. Why does my previous License File not work?*
  12. *Applies to SolidView 2009 and later

    Each SolidView installation has a unique license file. If you require a new license file you can request one at Request a Key Here
  13. Why does my previous Program ID not work?*
  14. *Applies to SolidView 2008.1 and earlier

    Each SolidView installation has a unique Program ID and Enter Key. If you require a new Enter Key you can request one at Request a Key Here

    Please provide the Serial Number and Program ID. The Serial Number is located on the splash screen when you open SolidView.
  15. How do I contact SolidView?
  16. SolidView Questions SolidView Support
    Give us a call 661-257-6699
    Business Hours 7am-5pm Monday to Friday, USA Pacific Standard Time
  17. What type of PC is suitable for SolidView?
  18. Minimum System Requirements

    • Microsoft® Windows® 7 or later
    • A Dual Core Processor
    • 2 GB RAM
    • 760 MB free disk space for installation
    • 1,024 x 768 VGA display with true color
    • OpenGL Graphics Card with at least 512mb of memory

    Recommended System Requirements

    • Microsoft® Windows 7 or later
    • A Quad Core Processor
    • 4 GB RAM
    • 760MB free disk space for installation
    • 1280 x 1024 VGA display with true color
    • OpenGL Graphics Card with at least 1GB of memory
  19. Is there a local SolidView office in my area?
  20. SolidView has US and International resellers. You can contact us us to locate a reseller.
  21. Is SolidView available in other languages?
  22. SolidView is only available in English.
  23. Can I use SolidView images in other Window applications such as Word or PowerPoint?
  24. Yes. SolidView/Pro images can be saved as bitmap images using File | Save Image. SolidView/Pro can save an image in a variety of formats, including: bmp, eps, gif, jpg, pct, pcx, png, ras, tga, tif, and wmf. Choose the desired format from the "Save as Type" dropdown at the bottom of the "Save Image" dialog. You can then import these images into your word processing or presentation documents.
  25. I have multiple programs installed on my computer to open CAD files. When I double-click on a file, it doesn't open in the version of SolidView in which I want to view it. How can I change which program opens the file?
    1. You will need to right-click on the file that you would like to open with SolidView.
    2. Select "Open With"
    3. "Choose Default Program…"
    4. Under Recommended Programs you can select the version of SolidView with which you would like to open the file.
    5. Make sure the "Always use selected program to open this kind of file" is checked and then click "OK" to accept the changes.
  26. Can I align my section plane to make sections at different angles?
  27. You cannot align the section plane however you can align the part or assembly to a x, y or z axis by picking on an element selector and using Modify | Align. *Note* Modifying a 'Select All' assembly with a section may lead to undesired results. It is preferred to Clear Section, Modify ( Align, Move, Rotate) then Define Section.
  28. I loaded a model but some surfaces are missing.
  29. First go to Display | BackFaces and make sure it is checked. If the problem is not solved you may need to change some of the import options for the particular file type, such as IGES, Catia or Pro-E. Refer to the Help file for the particular file type you are loading.
  30. Why are you charging a $25 fee on 2009 and prior licenses, why not 2010+?
  31. SolidView versions prior to 2009 are no longer supported. Under the terms of the SolidView license agreement, users are entitled to continue to use the software on the computer where it was originally installed. At Stratasys Direct Manufacturing' discretion, we may allow for a limited number of transfers. The $25 service fee is to cover our expenses involved in maintaining the legacy security system.
  32. What are the new features in 2014?
  33. SolidView 2014 includes the following enhancments:

    • Added ACIS R24 Support - AutoCAD ACIS data up to R24 (2D & 3D).
    • Added Unigraphics NX9 Support - Unigraphics part and assembly data supports 11 - 18, NX - NX9
    • Catia V5 V6R2013 - Catia V5 (R6 to R23, V5-6 R2013).
    • Catia V6 support - Catia V5 (R6 to R23, V6R 2014).
    • Inventor 2014 - Autodesk Inventor part files versions 6 - 2014. Autodesk Inventor assembly files version 11 - 2014.**
    • Parasolid v26 - Parasolids Ascii and Binary data up to version 26.1.
    • SolidEdge ST6 - SolidEdge part, assembly, sheet metal, and draft (drawing) data up to ST6. New support for 64-bit platforms allows faster, large file loading.
    • SolidWorks 2014 - SolidWorks drawing and part data up to V2014.
    • Improved Catia V5 support - Resolved conflicts between a SolidView Catia V5 Interface Installation and a Catia System Installation
    • Additive Manufacturing File Format (AMF) - Additive Manufacturing File Format (AMF) is an open standard for describing objects for additive manufacturing processes such as 3D printing.
    • Wavefront File Format (OBJ) - The OBJ CAD interface offers support for reading both triangle and vertex colors.
    • Minimize To Tray - Improve application resposne time via minimize to try option.
    • Updated CAD Format Support - This new version of SolidView brings more reliable and robust CAD interfacing.

      **64-bit version no longer supports Autocad formats.

  34. What is the difference between SVD and STL?
  35. SVD files allow you to save the measurements, markups, create scenes (slideshow) and save the view exactly as you want while also compressing the file size greatly (SVD files can only be viewed in SolidView)… whereas STL files only save the object… they do not include measurements and they do not reduce the file size… but STL files can be viewed in most viewers.
  36. When I try to activate SolidView with the Serial # & Activation key, I am advised that the activation number does not match the serial number.
  37. In this case you need to verify that you installed the proper version of SolidView. If you do not know which version you should have downloaded you can contact Software Support (661)257-6699.
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  1. I cannot get the desired section to print.
  2. There are two different ways to display sections in SolidView/Pro. The first way is X-section which was created to cut STL files along the given section. The second section display is the Measure | Define Section which was created for the user to view and print sections. If the sections keep resetting when you try to print then you need to make sure you are in Measure | Define Section and not X-section. This will allow you to print the desired section selection.
  3. SolidView does not seem to be printing correctly.
  4. Printing problems are usually due to using incorrect or outdated printer drivers. This can usually be solved by updating your print drivers. Try visiting the web site for your particular printer, or use this link to a large inventory of print drivers: http://www.drivershq.com
  5. Does SolidView print out to a plotter?
  6. SolidView will print out to a printer or plotter as long as you have the appropriate Windows driver installed. Go to File | Print and choose the plotter in name field.
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  1. I'm getting a negative volume, how can that be?
  2. Extents Volumes are correct. The number is not only negative, the absolute value is incorect too.

    *Applies to SolidView 2008.1 and earlier

    *In order for the volume calculation to be valid, you must have a complete object without any overlapping surfaces. If you are loading IGES or CAD files, make sure that the Orient Surfaces option is checked in the import dialog. In some cases, you can use the Repair feature to delete extra surfaces.

    If the objects are single sided surfaces, you will need to use the Material Tab in the Measure | Object dialog to set the thickness of the object. You can enable the display of the "back side" of objects by selecting Display | Backface (or Display | Wrongface). Often this will help in determining if the object is complete.

    If you still have problems, please send one of the files to SolidView technical support for analysis.

  3. The Arc Measurement auto pick tool has problems picking an arc.
  4. The Auto pick has a high tolerance in order to stay accurate. Any anomalies in the arc will result in a failed pick or an incomplete measurement. Use the 3-point pick or Measure cylinder to get around these situations.
  5. How can I be certain that I am picking the correct vertex or triangle when I am measuring?
  6. To make sure that you are picking the correct points in a measurement function it is recommended that you zoom in on the geometry and render in Shaded+Tris. Zoom by clicking the "WIN" button or F5 key then change shading by using the Display | Render | Shaded+Tris.

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  1. How do I install a Network copy of SolidView/Pro?
  2. For detailed installation instructions, please see the Network Installation document.
  3. I've installed SolidView on our server but cannot access it from a client computer.
  4. On the server, the Sldview directory must have read access and the sviewnet directory must have full read/write permissions. To ensure the shares are correct, try deleting the Sldview.net file located in the sviewnet directory from the client. If you cannot delete it then contact your system administrator to modify your permissions.
  5. Network Error Message says "No license available. 1 of 1 licenses in use."
  6. Go to http://<server>:5054. (e.g. http://localhost:5054), In the main page, on the left panel, click on "Reread/Restart Server"
  7. I've installed SolidView on our server but I am getting an Error that reads, "Fatal Application Protection Error."
  8. This error is the software telling you that it can't see the license file:"sldview.net". The reason for this is because the file was either moved, renamed, the directory was deleted, or the share at the server is not set to a minimum of read write access. Test the shares by creating and deleting a folder in the "\sviewnet" server directory from the client. If this does not work, contact your system administrator and explain that you need to have full access to the sviewnet folder.

    *Applies to SolidView 2008.1 and earlier
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Converting and Viewing Files*

  1. How do I view CAD files in SolidView?
  2. SolidView reads and writes industry-standard STL, OBJ CAD, SolidWorks and VRML files. Import options for many 3D CAD formats are available with SolidView/Pro. For example, IGES/VDA, STEP, SolidWorks, Pro/E, Unigraphics, SDRC, Catia, ACIS/SAT, Parasolid and SolidEdge are supported.
  3. Why do I get a "Failure" message when trying to load Catia V5 files in SolidView 2012-2013?
  4. First, make sure that you downloaded the Catia V5 interface and have already installed it. You may find the download here. Then perform the following steps:

    1. Open the "Start Menu"
    2. Go to "All Programs"
    3. Open the "Solid Concepts Inc" folder
    4. Open the "SolidView CatiaV5 2012" or "SolidView CatiaV5 2013" folder
    5. Right-click on "SetCatiaEnvironment" and choose to "Run as Administrator"
    After the DOS operation finishes running, you may re-open SolidView and load a Catia V5 file.
  5. How do I arrange multiple views for plotting out on a single sheet?
  6. The only way to accomplish this task is to open the same object multiple times, Modify | Move the objects where you want them and then Modify | Rotate the objects to the view desired. If you want to save these views, you can save the objects as an SVD file.
  7. What kind of information is retained when I convert from STL files to IGES format? What can I then do with that information?
  8. SolidView outputs planar boundary rep IGES files. This feature was added to support machining from STL data.
  9. What type of data is exported when I save a tessellated file as a DXF?
  10. SolidView/Pro can import tessellated models and output DXF files in 3Dface Format.

    *Applies to SolidView 2008.1 and earlier
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SolidView Version Release Dates

Product Release Date
SolidView/Pro RP
2023.0 Feb 5, 2023
SolidView/Pro RP
2022.0 Jan 28, 2022
SolidView/Pro RP
2021.0 Feb 5, 2021
SolidView/Pro RP
2020.0 Jan 10, 2020
SolidView/Pro RP
2019.0 Jan 27, 2019
SolidView/Pro RP
2018.0 Feb 14, 2018
SolidView/Pro RP
2017.0 Jan 20, 2017
SolidView/Pro RP
2016.0 Jan 20, 2016
SolidView/Pro RP
2015.0 Feb 1, 2015
SolidView/Pro RP
2014.0 March 7, 2014
SolidView/Pro RP
2013.0 Feburary 28, 2013
SolidView/Pro RP
2012.1 August 28, 2012
SolidView/Pro RP
2012.0 January 30, 2012
SolidView/Pro RP
2011.2 October 1, 2011
SolidView/Pro 2011.0 December 22, 2010
SolidView/Pro 2010.1 September 3, 2010
SolidView/Pro 2010.0 December 1, 2009
SolidView/Pro 2009.1 July 20, 2008
SolidView/Pro 2009.0 February 9, 2009
SolidView/Pro 2008.1 March 24, 2008
SolidView/Pro 2006.1 June 22, 2006
SolidView/Pro 2004.3 October 20, 2004
SolidView/Pro 2004.0 February 2004
SolidView/Pro 2003.0 May 2003
SolidView/Pro 2002.0 March 2002
SolidView/Pro 3.55 August 2000
SolidView/Pro 3.54-Japanese March 2000
SolidView/Pro 3.53 March 2000
SolidView/Pro 3.52 November 1999
SolidView/Pro 3.51 October 1999
SolidView/Pro 3.5 September 1999
SolidView 3.33 August 1999
SolidView 3.32-Japanese July 1999
SolidView 3.31 July 1999
SolidView 3.3 May 1999
SolidView 3.21 March 1999
SolidView 3.2 December 1998
SolidView 3.03 June 1998
SolidView 3.0 May 1998
SolidView 2.11 September 1997
SolidView 2.0 October 1996